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Please look at the advice and guidance on the careers website about CVs and cover letters.  Once you have done this and made any appropriate changes you can use the CV360 software to get electronic feedback:
You can also then seek CV feedback in person, either at a drop is session or at a booked appointment:

Maths careers drop-in (JCMB, Outside Magnet Café)  Mondays, 12.30-14.30 with Matt Vickers – just turn up and wait;
Booked careers appointment (Murchison House) Availability and bookings shown on MyCareerHub, 48 hours in advance.

University of Edinburgh - Careers

Scottish Financial Risk Academy,


Earl Mountbatten Building,

Riccarton Campus,

Heriot-Watt University,

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK EH14 4AS

Programme Coordinator

Stephen Marshall

office: 0131 451 8440



Send Us a Message

Thank you for your enquiry, we will be in contact with you in due course.

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